Tart and Fizzy Hard Candy
Tart and Fizzy Hard Candy
Tart and Fizzy Hard Candy
tart and fizzy hard candy 8 ounces
tart and fizzy hard candy 16 ounces

Tart and Fizzy Hard Candy

Regular price $ 9.99

We use a patterned candy chopper (which we've had in the family for years) for the tart and fizzy hard candy. Citric acid makes this pillow candy a little tart and baking soda makes it fizzy when you hold it on your tongue. This batch of tart and fizzy hard hard candy includes: cherry, raspberry, orange, watermelon, grape, lemonade and green apple. Some folks also call this candy hard tack or pillow candy - we call it delicious. The fizzy hard candy is "accidentally vegan". Check out the process on our YouTube channel - pay special attention to the high tech candy chopper.  Choose from 8 ounces or 16 ounces.